Nominations Committee Members

Committee has a 3 month term each year consisting of Past-President and up to 3 members at large. Term is January 1-April 30 of each year.

Committee Duties

This committee has duties that include :

  • The Committee members shall submit nominees for all positions to be elected.
  • In addition to the nominations submitted by the committee, nominations may be submitted over the signatures of five (5) voting members, one of whom shall act as the proposer and another as the seconder, and must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. Such nominations must reach the Chairperson of the Nominations Committee by April 30 of each calendar year.
  • In the event that any office is not filled as a result of the Mail Ballot, the Nominations Committee shall submit the name of at least one nominee for the office not filled, for election at the Annual Meeting. Any voting member at the Annual Meeting may also make nominations, for the office not filled, for election by the voting members at the Annual Meeting.